Book Your Flights To Tokyo And Get Some Top Tips To Beat The Long Haul!
Booking your flights to Tokyo is our fourth step to organizing your vacation using our Tokyo travel planner. Once you know when you want to visit (steps 1 - 3), you can't really get on with anything else until you know you've got the dates you want!
Want to get started straight away? Just use the search box provided to see what deals are available for the time you want to fly. Or read on to find out more about the flight routes and other tips that'll make your choice of flight to Tokyo easier to make.
What do you need to know when you're booking your Tokyo flight?
So what are the important things you need to know about when you're booking your Tokyo flight?
First up is the fact that for the vast majority of visitors, your flights to Tokyo are going to be of the long haul kind. It's a good idea to get an idea of how long your flight is actually going to take, then you can plan what time you'd ideally like to fly so you can land at a reasonable time in Japan.
Why does that matter? Well Tokyo international airport is not actually in Tokyo. It's about 1 to 1.5 hours out of the city depending whether you travel in by bus or train.
The later you land the less public transport is available to get you into the city. Once it gets past 22:00 the trains and buses come to a halt and you're left with the expensive option of a Tokyo taxi! Something we don't recommend unless you really have to get the city tonight!
If you are landing late, we'd say any time after 20:00 just in case of delays, you're better off spending the night in Narita and moving on to the city the next day. If this is your situation, check out our Narita airport hotels to see where you can stay.
I've flown the long haul route from Tokyo to London more times now than I care to count. It's where my family are so it's a pretty regular destination. I would be lying though if I said I enjoy the flight, but unfortunately it's a necessary part of getting from A to B! The best tips I can give are to drink plenty of water and make sure you get up and stretch as much as possible. It's definitely worth a few hours discomfort.
How long are some of the popular direct flight routes to Japan?
Here's a sample of some of the most popular routes for flights to Tokyo and their approximate direct flight times:
- Bangkok to Tokyo - 6 hours
- Franfurt to Tokyo - 11 hours
- Los Angeles to Tokyo - 11 hours and 30 minutes
- London to Tokyo - 11 hours and 30 minutes
- New York to Tokyo - 13 hours
- Singapore to Tokyo - 7 hours
- Sydney to Tokyo - 9 hours and 30 minutes
So When Is Best To Fly To Tokyo?
If you want to make things a little easier for yourself, it's an idea to try and get a flight that lands in the afternoon or early evening rather than in the morning. Why...?
The sooner you can get back into a good routine and re-set your body clock, the sooner you can get on with enjoying yourself without feeling tired. If you can, after you land, stay awake until bedtime and then get up at a relatively normal time on your first full day. You may feel tired initially but it will help you settle into the new routine much quicker.
Ready to book your flights to Tokyo?
We use Trip Advisor and Travelocity when we book our flights as we like the comparison pages they give us. It means we can see which airlines are offering the best deals.
If you like to compare with somewhere else as well, Travelocity can SAVE You 20% or MORE on Air Fares
Once you're done fill out your flight details on your travel planner and get ready for step 5 : )
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